How We Helped Amber Create Seamless Systems for Her New Business

Brand new businesses need systems in place for documentation, streamlined workflows, and future growth. 

Here’s how Day to Day Assist helped one small business owner go from new business owner to landing 4-figure clients in just 8 weeks. 

Systems made simple for growing businesses 

Amber recently launched a short-term rental setup and property management business.  She initially faced challenges in defining her service offerings and implementing the necessary tech tools to attract and manage clients. Juggling a 9-5 job alongside her entrepreneurial venture, she needed a system that could seamlessly handle bookings and client interactions, even when she was unavailable.

Better processes for streamlined workflows 

With her high-value services, Amber wanted to create a premium experience for her clients, one that reflected her professionalism and left a lasting impression.

To achieve this, we worked closely with Amber, personally guiding her through our comprehensive Systems for Solo CEOs curriculum in a 1:1 setting.

With our help, here’s what Amber was able to achieve in just two months:

  • A documented plan for signature offers. Pricing, deliverables, and expectations are now fully discoverable and provide comprehensive insights into what potential clients will get when they book Amber’s services. 

  • Reliable tech tools. We helped Amber choose the best tech tools for her business and then helped her set them up to automate day-to-day tasks and easily send proposals. 

  • Consistent client experiences. Thanks to a combination of a documented business plan and the best tech tools for business automation, Amber can be certain that every client gets a great experience–Without the stress of consistently being “on call”. 

Generating revenue at scale 

Within a week of her last session with us, Amber booked her first 4-figure client. Now that she has a solid foundation of reliable systems in place, she’s ready to provide first-rate service and grow quickly at scale. 

Ready to land bigger clients and free up more time in your work day? Join our Systems for Solo CEOs course to level up your small business.


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