The Only 2 Systems You Need As A Solopreneur

As a service-based solopreneur, you’re also the CMO, CFO, and your company’s employee of the month, every single month. But being a solo CEO also means that in addition to doing the work you’re passionate about, you’re also probably doing a lot of work you’re not so passionate about. Attracting new clients, setting up invoicing systems, managing finances, and maintaining a website and social media accounts are tasks that can eat up a lot of your day.  

To declutter your workday and free up time to focus on your clients, you need two systems: client relationship management (CRM) and project management (PM). You’re probably thinking, “Okay, can I download an app for that?” But, at Day to Day Assist, we believe “systems” are more than synonyms for tech tools. 

Systems are the synergy between processes and tech. They streamline and automate tasks to grow companies without sacrificing quality of service or a huge investment of time and money. 

Effective CRM and PM systems mean the difference between a business that has built a long-term plan for future growth and a business that could potentially implode if it gets too successful too quickly. 

Here is an in-depth look at how CRM and project management systems will help you take control of your workday and grow your business without wasting resources.


What is a client relationship management system?

Client relationship management is more than providing great service. It’s about providing reliable, consistent communication at every point in the buyer’s journey. All the places you connect with customers and potential customers are part of your CRM. Whether it’s through email, website, or social media, an “always on” approach to CRM is important for all businesses. 

But it can be especially challenging to make sure no aspect of your service slips through the cracks. Developing a trustworthy CRM system is important for providing every customer with a great experience. But if you’re spending too much time on administrative tasks or reinventing a new process/template every time you win a new customer, you’ll never have the time you need to scale. 

That’s where CRM systems come into play. These systems streamline your engagements with clients to make sure the quality of your service doesn’t drop as your business grows.

Why do you need it?

A client relationship management system helps you manage inquiries, onboarding, sales, service delivery, and off-boarding of your clients. There are absolutely some great tech tools that can help automate these processes. But CRM for scale is about more than finding the right apps. 

the benefits of using crm and project management tools for your business

Our Systems for Solo CEOs course takes a step-by-step approach to developing an effective CRM system. It’s important to know how to use tech tools and outsource tasks to manage your customer relationships, but simply adopting a tool or hiring an employee without fully mapping out how you plan to implement that tool can actually cost your business money in the long run.

Before we get to the instructions on setting up tech tools, we teach you how to pinpoint what's causing your workday chaos. Structure your services to make them scalable. Streamline your processes and better understand how your business operates. And improve your productivity, so you get more meaningful work done. Focusing on these things first will make it much easier to adopt new tech. 

What is a project management system?

At Day to Day Assist, we believe almost everything in business is a project, from hiring to working with clients to launching a new service. For us, project management is how businesses keep up with those tasks. Developing a project management system provides clarity on how your business is functioning to plan for systems that operate smoothly on both a macro and micro level.

Why do you need it?

Managing daily operations while focusing on long-term growth can feel like playing a game of Whack-a-Mole. You may feel as if you’re dealing with never-ending issues that all require your immediate attention. 

PM solutions help you prepare for these issues before they arise with a system of best practices, automation tools, and long-term planning to save time and budget. As your business grows, these systems also make it easier to hire. Keeping a running list of all the tasks that help your business run smoothly allows you to better spot your pain points and choose the people whose skillsets best suit your unique needs. 

the benefits of using project management tools

Our Systems for Solo CEOs course goes beyond CRM systems to give you deep insights into every aspect of your business. We start by teaching you how to perform a full workday analysis. This will help you understand how to streamline each of your projects with a focus on your overall business goals. Once you know which areas you're thriving (and struggling) in, you can map your own productivity plan with the help of our operations experts. You’ll learn which productivity tools are right for your business and how to install + make the most of those tools. Throughout this 6-month course, you’ll also have access to bi-weekly consulting calls to get more personalized feedback. 

Being a solopreneur doesn’t mean you have to do all the things. Our Systems for Solo CEOs course will help you spend less than 30 minutes per day on admin work, prepare your business for growth and scale, and experience more chaos-free workdays. 

If you’re ready to build a premium business you and your clients will love with systems, join our 6-month Systems for Solo CEOs course today.


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